Patch was up to 81 pounds. We'll finish the medication he's on and then just see what happens. The only thing new she suggested was a food trial with a limited ingredient diet. I'll discuss it all with the adopter tomorrow, but I think he's good to go.

Anna weighed only 60 pounds, no gain. The blood work we had done was all normal so there's no obvious reason. I did get some droncit to knock out any possible tape worm and some metronidazole to treat any bad stuff in her gut that might be interfering with digestion. She's being wormed again as well. We will try this for another couple weeks and continue on the grain-free food and see if she starts to put on any pounds. I'll also bring her in the house when Patch leaves; that might calm her down. She's very high strung and she may just be stressing off the weight. Shepherds.
So excited for Patch's new adventure! I hope his new mom will send you pics and keep you updated!
When Polly was so thin when we got her, I bought a special super rich dog food from Animal Connections. Then, we switched to the venison/ sweet potato that Pike is on. I fed her four times a day in small amounts. Liz/ mom to Polly and Pike
I'm really going to miss the Patch updates, but I am so happy that he is going to a great home. I hope they spoil him rotten--he sure deserves it!!
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