Ochie, the only non-blurry picture I got.
The dog is perpetual motion. |
I have free time this weekend. I can't remember when I've ever said that, but I actually finished my two days of work in two days, I've got three days off plus the weekend, and no dog adoption trips. It's winter so there's no pressing need to mow grass, although I could be doing a final mow and clean up of fallen leaves.
Emma, left, and Tricia, right.
The Pyrs are Honor and Daisy, but don't ask me
which one is which. |
Friday morning I met my friend Tricia, along with her daughter Emma and two of their Pyrs for frosty, early morning walk in the woods. I hadn't slept well the night before and was a bit stiff starting out, so the walk really helped warm me up. I didn't have the energy to handle Max so I took Ochie because he's become a bit of an obnoxious barker, not getting enough run time and attention. He was fine with the Pyrs although they thought he was a bit too energetic. I was hoping that one of them would kick his butt to settle him down, but they were too nice. We did a little over two miles and I felt much better by the time we were done.
Trooper was in the lead starting out,
but that didn't last for long. |
Maya and Trooper, river overlook |
In the afternoon, Clay and I went to a new brewery we had heard about, not far away over in Goochland County. It's called
Lickinghole Creek Craft Brewery. It's a new and pretty big operation, but with a tiny tasting room, apparently due to stupid county regulations being selectively enforced. There was a pretty good crowd there in the afternoon, and the cozy space made for a necessarily friendly crowd. The beer was good, especially one called Gentleman Farmer Estate Hop Ale made with hops that they grew themselves. It is in middle of no where, but it proves the old adage, "If you brew it, they will come." We came home with a few bottles.

Friday afternoon I harnessed up Trooper and Maya and we went out for another hike. Trooper actually got tired before I did, making me realize that he needs to get more exercise. I don't take him out on the pasture runs because all he does is chase cars along the road inside the front fence. He's getting a little chubby and after about three miles he was really slowing down. Maya was pulling him along, which gave her more exercise. The three of us managed four miles by the time we were back and I was pretty much done for the day at that point myself.
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