Friday, December 7, 2018

Happy Hikers

I had things to do in the morning, and then we had visitors who came to meet Sully. I puttered around for a while in the afternoon without being very productive. We finally got out for a nice 3.5 mile walk in the woods about mid-afternoon. Sully had been ready to go since early morning so he was happy when we finally hit the trails. I had kept Sweet Serena inside most of the day so she was happy to get out. Maya is always happy to go with me, but I think that I was the happiest of the bunch, because it was a beautiful day, I didn't have to work, and we have found Sully a new home.
As usual, Sully was out front most of the way.

The aforementioned visitors were prospective adopters for Sully. They have another Entlebucher, who came along with them, and everyone hit it off. I wasn't really sure how Sully would be meeting new people, but he was great. We met outdoors at first with both dogs on leash. The dogs had no issues and Sully went right up to the people and introduced himself - no barking, no nipping, no protective attitude or actions. When we came inside, he sat down next to them for some petting. They are excellent adopters for any dog and have experience with the breed and I think that's the most important factor for Sully's adoption. I couldn't be happier. I'll be taking him to his new home and completing the adoption on Sunday following an adoption event with Promises in Manassas.

Smokey update: We all passed a quiet first night. He's happy to see me when I go out there. I'm taking Satin Balls every time I go and want to be known as the Meatball Man. He wasn't happy when I tried to remove the nasty old collar around his neck. The poor dog is all but feral, but he does know "sit." I think he really wants the company of other dogs and we'll get him matched up with someone soon. It will take a while to earn his trust. The best way to do that is to get him on a leash and walk him, so that's my goal for next week.

Maya spotted some deer today. That always
makes her happy. Serena was hunting too.
Serena has a great form.
She looks good from any angle.

Serena is still new to hiking in the woods and
had a tendency to wander off the trail and
get her leash wrapped around trees.

Sully and I had to keep the girls moving today.
They were very distracted by deer sightings.

These three make a very good walking trio.

Serena's preferred approach to streams is to jump them.

Smokey has a long road ahead, but at least he's now warm and dry, well-fed, and
he's getting regular human contact that he's apparently never had.

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