Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuck has visitors

The big snow event that apparently shut down many things in and around Charlottesville never made it to our part of Fluvanna County. We had some cold, near freezing rain and drizzle, but it never became snow. So we've still not had our first snow of the season. I'm ok with that.
I didn't have any dog treats handy, but Tuck
did a very nice sit for some Vanilla Wafers.

Since we didn't get snow we did get a visit from some folks who wanted to meet Tuck. It's really the first new people he's met since he came here so it was a good opportunity to see how he is with new people. I thought he would be fine and indeed he was, but it's always nice to know, especially since he'll be meeting new people at the vet's office on Friday who will want to do stuff to him.

Tuck likes people and he was very happy to have the attention. Della thought they had come to see her, of course, and was a bit jealous. She even barked at Tuck at one point. Della likes to be the center of attention when there's attention to be had.

I'm looking forward to getting Tuck neutered on Friday and also to finding out how much he weighs. I gave him three days of panacure when he arrived because he had tested positive for parasites. That probably explains why he's so thin. He's not emaciated, but he needs to put on at least 10-15 pounds of lean muscle mass to cover his ribs, hip bones, and protruding vertebrae.

Della has a nice "sit" too, although she doesn't
do it for me very often.


Byron's Mom said...

Such a handsome boy!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you ran out of dog treats.