Thanks to all the puppy adopters who have sent me pics of Della's offspring, and/or allowed me to copy pics from their Facebook pages to do this series of blog posts. This is the third in the series, featuring Carlsberg/Woody, Guinness/Astro, and Allagash/Mo-Dean at about nine months of age. There will be a fourth, probably tomorrow.

Carlsberg is now known as Woody. He was always easy to identify among the three harlequin pups because has a solid black sleeve on his right from leg, just like Della. He also has a merle sleeve on his left front leg.
Here's Woody enjoying his first snow. I'm not sure all the pups got to experience snow this year. We had none at our house so I'm guessing that the two who live near us may have missed out. |
It's hard to tell the dog from the dog bed here. |
Here is Woody in bed with his three siblings. The small one in the cone on the left is wearing the cone due to a broken leg. Woody stepped on her. You can almost miss the black dog that Woody is using as a pillow. All these pups enjoyed sleeping in the puppy pile, and they still do. |
Woody's ears seem to have a tendency to turn inside out when he's running and playing. Della's do too, I'm forever fixing them for her, but I rarely need to do so for Serena. |
Woody looking like a holstein calf enjoying the daffodils on a spring day. |
Here is Astro at ten weeks. He already had a brown nose from digging in the dirt in Daneland. |
Guinness is now Astro, named after the Great Dane on the Jetsons for those of you too young or too old to have seen that cartoon series. I always liked it and always liked Astro. Guinness went to a home with one other dog and four small children. It's safe to say that he has an active life
The definition of "gangly." |
He's a little bit goofy at times. |
The Valentine's Day photo. Red is a good color on him. |
Astro and his brother. The dog on the left is the same size in both pictures. The dog on the right is the same dog, Astro, several months apart. |
Nice sitting pose. |
Here's Astro playing with Killian down by the river. The black male pups are probably our best estimation of what the father must have looked like. Astro is a fine looking dog and he's going to be a big one. |

Allagash is now known as Mo-Dean. He lives just down the road from us with another Dane we fostered, Galaxy from the hoarding situation, who is now known as Rorschach. Rorschach is an harlequin, see below, but Mo-Dean is one of the four merle pups that Della delivered. We were constantly counting 3, 4, 5, to make sure all the pups were alive and accounted for. Three harlequins, four merles, and five blacks.
I've got to admit that I never really learned to distinguish the merles by their markings, but Mo-Dean was easy to identify among the merles because his coat was significantly darker.
And enjoying a nice roll in the grass. |
Mo doing a nice "sit." |
Rorschach and Mo-Dean sharing a stick. You can really see his dark coat here. |
Although I never really distinguished the merles by markings, I notice now that Mo-Dean has a definite stripe down the center of his head that gets wider as it reaches the nose. |
I'm not sure who taught them to sit on furniture this way but I've seen several of the pups do it. It didn't come from Della. I guess we neglected that part of their education, but they all took to laying on beds and sofas quite readily. Some of them even use dog beds from time to time. |
I'll end part 3 with this picture of Della and Carlsberg (Woody). It's one of my favorites.