Thursday, August 13, 2020

The experiment continues

 We took in this little dog, Lady, a 25-30 pound, year plus old spaniel/setter(?) mix to see what she was like around men, other dogs, and life in general. Nothing I've seen corroborates what we were told when the dog was returned. That's not terribly surprising, of course.

The only problem I've had with her is that she refuses to use the AC yard to poop and pee. I took her out to the front yard on a leash last night and she did both right away. I expect that is what she's used to. As a compromise I put up an exercise pen in front of the house just off the front porch. I really don't have time to leash walk a dog every time she needs to go out, I have 10 others to attend to as well. I'm not prepared to trust her loose in the yard like we do Arby. She's smaller and could easily go through the four board fence along with the front of the property. I hope that the exercise pen will do the trick for now.

Indoors she's by my side every minute that she can be. Maya and Della are being tolerant of that, so far. Last night she was ok in the crate a few minutes after we went to bed. She has pretty much latched on to me now, so we will see how that goes tonight.

We took her to town this afternoon. We went to Decipher brewery for a beer and then to Clay's mother's house for dinner. She met two people at the brewery and would have greeted everyone if the leash had allowed her to reach them. One of the people was a woman and the other a man. She showed no hesitation with either of them. The man got down on his knees and messed with her quite a bit. She allowed it all and wanted more attention.

We went on to Berta's house for dinner. Lady met Berta without any hesitation or shyness. She also met Berta's cat, Portia. Cat and dog were close enough to touch noses. Lady was curious about the cat but not aggressive in the least. They met again when the cat was in a chair about at the height of the dog's head. Again, no problem. When the cat finally hissed the dog backed away quickly. 

So she's not a man-hater. I snatched her up in my arms to carry her today and she had no problem with that. I've lifted her jowls to look at her teeth and poked around her mouth. She doesn't like it when she's left alone, or more specifically, if I walk away from her and she's not allowed to follow, but she doesn't keep up the fuss for long. 

I'm just not seeing a big problem here. 

This is the exercise pen I put up just off the front porch as an off leash place for her to pee.

She was friendly with everyone and wanted attention wherever she could get it.

She's too short to reach the bar, but she could put her front feet up on the table.

Someone has made the mistake of feeding this dog from the table. That's a mistake you don't make when you have the number of dogs around that we do. Still, the biggest problem with her during dinner was just pulling on the leash because she wanted to explore the house.

Here's the first cat meeting:

And here's the second one:

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

She is a beauty! Sounds like the previous people were the "problem"- Not her!!