Monday, January 25, 2021

Small progress

When I went out to bring them in Sunday night both girls were scared of me and skillfully avoided my attempts to leash them. I finally trapped them in the shed and then managed to leash them one at a time and bring them to the house. Dolly did some submissive urination in the process and it broke my heart to see that girl so afraid of me. I knew I needed to fix that fast.

I went out to Daneland today with a bag of treats. I got a much friendlier and less skeptical reception. I handed them out freely, handfuls at a time, and they snarfed them up. I got pretty well slimed but all my fingers were still entire when the bag of treats was gone. 

After the treats were gone I just sat in a chair passed out petting. Madison is all for it and she even lets me hug her. Dolly is still a bit more reserved, but the paw was offered freely and she was more willing to look at me today, she even looked almost relaxed a time or two. 

What Dolly needs is for someone to tie her leash to their leg and keep the dog with them all the time. I bet she'd be trusting that person at least within the first day. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to do that yet and the number of dogs here makes that difficult. She's coming around though.

The second night in the crates in the office was still a quiet one. Madison pissed in her crate and wet the bed and blanket. That wasn't fun but it's 100% better than pooping in the crate. The problem is that it gets dark so damn early that we go to bed so damn early and it just makes for a very long night for a dog in a crate. I have plenty of beds and blankets anyway. 

My sleeve was covered with slime, but the treats were a hit.

I liked seeing a little competition for closeness and attention.

When the treats were gone she licked my fingers.

She was willing to sit closer today too, I didn't have to reach out far for her paw.

Madison would walk between us so I had to reach over her to touch Dolly.

She's looking at me with that soul-searching eye now.

Madison wanted me to play tug with the toy.

"I solemnly swear . . . "

A fearful, underweight dog, covered with cuts and sore spots makes me want to cry.
But I know that this can be fixed. She will be a new dog soon enough.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

So thankful they are safe with you. They will definitely come around:-)