Friday, October 22, 2021

Three female indoor Danes

Allison has been staying out with the puppies separated from them by a low border wall that kept them contained, for the most part, but she could easily step over. Today I took down the border wall, which meant that Allison had no space where she could be away from the pups who constantly try to feed from her. I closed the doggie door in the cabin so Allison spent the day in Daneland with Rufus. This evening I brought her into the house for the first time after a short visit with the puppies before we came in.

Allison had lived indoors before so being inside wasn't new, but our house was new to her and of course she met all the other dogs. They had mostly all met outside on a pasture romp earlier this week, but this was her first nose-to-nose with the St. Bernard, Henry, except through the fence.

The girls were all fine with her coming in, and Henry seems to be too. He has been an asshole with the male fosters, but has been ok with the girls and I threatened him in the worst way if he tried anything with Allison and he seems to have got the message.

She's in one of the big Dane crates in my office for the night and seems very happy to be inside.

Maya checks them out but she's always been fine with new fosters coming in.

Here's Allison, Serena, and Henry.

Henry is very attached to me now and he's a bit jealous.

His head is about double the size of a Great Dane head.

I may have to get Allison a bed for the kitchen because Della has claimed 
those two big ones for herself and Serena. She really doesn't like for 
another dog to use the second bed even if Serena isn't on it.
Maya has a nice bed to herself but I'll bring in another large one for Allison.

Della has the most soul-searching eyes I've ever seen on a dog.
Look her in the eye and she will read you like a book.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You and your partner are so WONDERFUL to take care of these pups! Lots of love in that house for all! Henry is so cute... guess he just has some challenges getting along with others. We adopted our first Dane many moons ago who was like that... loved the ladies...not so terribly fond of other males... but he eventually got better at socializing with the males too. Keep working with him. Stay healthy and safe! The world needs more people like you!!