Saturday, January 29, 2022

When the cold wind blows

The day started early when Clay nudged me and told that Serena was vomiting. I jumped up and reached for the flashlight and escorted the dog off her bed so at least she would be barfing on a hard surface that was easier to clean. She did so and then went on outside to continue if needed. When I came back to clean it up, there wasn't much except some pieces of cardboard. I'm thinking that our dog food must be pretty bad if pieces of cardboard seem like an acceptable substitute or supplement. But then I realized, this is Serena, who shreds and eats tennis balls. I often spot her chomping away at something I can never get away from her or even identify. She's hardly a connoisseur.

So we were up earlier than usual and the first pictures of the day were definitely taken in low light conditions. The snow had stopped but the wind was blowing so I modified the morning feed. I brought all seven dogs out together and let them into the shed one or two at a time to eat. After everyone had been through the rotation I figured we had all had enough outdoor time and we went back in for a long morning nap. Well, the dogs napped, I made breakfast and then went to the computer. 

The dogs continued to nap until I needed a break and the sun was shining in the middle of the afternoon. We all went out to the pasture together but the wind was blowing hard enough that it was blowing the snow. Even with the sun shining, there was no feeling of warmth to be had, so it wasn't long before I started making trips back to the house with a dog or two each time. 

Serena is the first to pack it in on days like this and Della isn't far behind her. Everyone was easy to get back in except Max and River. Max has a heavy coat and he's driven by forces not of this world, so he's always difficult to get inside. River has a short coat and no body fat, you'd think he would be the first one wanting back inside. But no, River likes to explore, and piss on, every tree, shrub, or branch within reach. The pup, Grover, will come in but he will also go back out if he thinks River might play with him so I sent him out in search of Grover a few times before they both showed up ready to come inside. 

I did the evening feed in pretty much the same way, feeding from inside the shed instead of carrying food dishes around to everyone's special spot like I usually do. We will do another outing before bed, letting everyone wander around until they are ready to come in. 

I saw Della squat a pee right here earlier. Yes, it's covered in snow, but it's the boardwalk.
So Max and Maya and stopping to sniff.

River and Grover

Marshal and Grover

River doesn't mind the cold it seems.


Della does not care for the wind.

Serena was ready to head back inside after a short run in the pasture.
She is running very well again.

Marshal and Serena

I expect Grover to go to his new home next week after his neuter on Monday.

I've said that Grover only seems to have one play move, which is to stand up on the other dog's back.
Della wasn't impressed and still didn't want to be his friend.

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