She was extremely anxious in the evening, which wasn't surprising, and it continued that way through the night. She barked aggressively (or so it sounded) at the dog in the adjacent crate, River. But she's fine with him out of the crate, that's just an anxious crate behavior.
I gave her some calming cocktail before bed, but she had me up at least two other times during the night. Once I took her out, although she really had no interest in going outside. I yelled at her, I medicated her again, and finally I just brought her into the bedroom. Della dictated where she could, and mostly where she couldn't lay down. But Della is in our bed now and Serena abandoned her usual spot for the big soft bed, so Zippy finally settled and slept in what was the Della/Serena bed on my side of the room.
Thursday was wet, muddy, rainy. It was the cold, grey, bucket of suck that is winter around here. I put all three fosters, Marshal, River, and Zippy out in Daneland for the day and told them to make the best of it. There were two sheds available to them with dog beds in each. They made do, but River and Zippy were pretty wet and muddy when they came in this evening. Marshal is the only one who had enough sense to stay in, keeping himself clean and dry.
I gave Zippy some more anti-anxiety cocktail when she came in this evening and I think I will try her in the crate at least to start tonight. If she carries on I'll bring her in the bedroom but she really needs to learn to use a crate. Zippy's behavior isn't the worst we've dealt with and I expect her to settle down.
It's amazing that you and Clay get any sleep at all.
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