Thursday, June 2, 2022

Husky pups in Daneland

The puppies are loving outdoor time in Daneland and they are eating outdoors and doing at least some of their pooping outdoors so I'm loving that.

Kilo has been very interested in the puppies and he had been living in the same pen with them when they were born so today I let him into Daneland with the pups. They were thrilled by it and he seemed to enjoy it too. He is a very sweet and gentle dog.

I busied myself setting up some of the obstacles and climbs that I had used out there with prior litters. Puppies don't care if things are clean and shiny. Dirt is more interesting and really all they care about is fun. 

I wish I had more time to spend with them out there, but it's been a very busy day with work, plus the arrival of two other dogs. Paisley is back with us for a couple of weeks after not getting along with one of the dogs in the other home. There is someone interested in her, but she won't be back for a couple of weeks. Paisley was happy to see me when I picked her up at Green Dogs today, and Kilo was very happy to meet Paisley when I got her home.

We also have Cosmo has a houseguest until next Monday. He's a former foster, a Bernese Mountain Dog. I'm sure I'll get pictures tomorrow.

Kilo may or may not be their father, but they sure look up to him.


I set these up as an obstacle wall between the fence and a tree.
See video below.

This arrangement was very popular with the last litter and these guys
seem to enjoy it too. 

Here's a video of the pups crossing the obstacle wall made from
fence post tops.

1 comment:

Risa said...

Dying from the cute. Kilo is such a good doggie dad.