Saturday, June 18, 2022

Pre-summer Saturday

It was a beautiful day and a perfect start to a three day weekend. The temperature and humidity were down and there was a nice breeze, all very unusual for Virginia in the summer. I spent all morning outdoors then went to town on some errands. I ended up with a few more plants and forgot the major purpose of my trip to town so I guess I'll be going back tomorrow. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening outdoors with the dogs. The puppies were outside all day except when I went to town. They were very tired this evening and didn't even fight me when I weighed and wormed them for the last time. Here are the weights:

Pinot. 14.11. Merlot. 16.76 Chardonnay. 13.62 Moscato. 14.92 Riesling. 15.42 Chablis. 10.99

Chablis is the still the smallest and always will be, but she passed the 10 pound mark and is just barely shy of 11. Merlot is still the biggest but Riesling isn't far behind him. The pups have gotten longer and taller in the past week. Looking like proper little dogs now. Merlot's left ear is still uncertain but I think it will eventually be fully up. 

Kilo hung out with Della and Max while I was working in the gardens, at least he did for a while. I saw him over by the fence in the far front corner of the yard. I looked over there a little later and saw him on the outside of the fence. I called him, he came towards me for a bit, but then trotted off across the street and disappeared into the woods. I put Della in the house and opened the gate. He came trotting up the driveway about 10 minutes later. I put him on a leash and then put him into Daneland with the puppies for the rest of the evening.

Riesling and the water dish

Riesling and Pinot

Chablis and Moscato

Kilo and pups


Chardonnay and Riesling

Riesling and Chablis

Not cutting the pasture means more wildflowers this year.

Della in the tall grass

Max running through the gass


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