Saturday, July 30, 2022

Kilo's big day

Kilo got adopted today. I have only good feelings about the adoption and his new home, but I will miss him. 

Kilo was a great dog from his very first day here. His help with that last litter of motherless puppies was invaluable, and it showed what a really great dog he is. After the puppies were adopted, Odin (Odie) came along, a bigger pup but also needing some guidance, which Kilo provided. I give Kilo complete credit for teaching Odie to sit because I know he didn't learn it from me and Kilo is quick with a sit at dinner time or at a door. 

Kilo was outgoing and friendly with everyone he ever met, human or canine. The only thing bad I ever had to say about him was his ability to get out of a fenced area, but even on the occasions that he did so, he stuck around and came back quickly. That's just the husky in him. Kilo's new home has experience with a similar breed of dog and it sounds like his dog will be a central part of his life. Every dog deserves that and Kilo certainly does. 

Kilo's adoption will be good for Odie too, although Odie will miss him greatly. I relied on Kilo to babysit Odie and have been shirking my own responsibilities towards that dog. He will start spending more time with me and the household pack and we will work on his manners and all around civilization to get him ready for a new home.

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