Monday, August 8, 2022

Shepherd rowdy run time

This evening I brought the shepherds out to play in the yard while I puttered around and assembled my new bike. Max, Odie, and Olivia were out running around having a good time. Granted, Livvy isn't a shepherd strictly speaking, but she is shepherd-like, and we consider her to be a shepherd-lite. She is very much like a female shepherd in personality. She is a spitfire - always on the go, usually at top speed, often appearing as a gray blur passing across your field of vision. It was her first time having yard privileges and she made the most of it. I was very happy that she stuck around very close to the center of the action, which was me. I'm sure she investigated the full yard, but she and Odie were always nearby, usually with him chasing after her.

I kept waiting for it to cool down before going outside but it didn't seem like that was going to happen. By the time I went out and got the dogs out to run we probably had only an hour and half before it was getting too dark for me to do anything useful. The dogs made the most of it and packed a lot of activity into that time. When it was dark and I got them all back in, Odie and Livvy didn't even object to going into their crates; they were ready for a rest.

Della was out with us too, decidedly displeased to have the two foster dogs running around like maniacs during her daddy/doggie time. I will have to make it up to her with a walk tomorrow. Maya was out for a little while but wanted to be back inside where it was comfortable. Paisley is still on crate rest and will be for a quite a while yet, but she seems to be doing fine. The setters learned to use the doggie door in the shed today, so they have indoor/outdoor options now, during the day at least. I closed them in for the night.

Max and Odie

Odie and Della

Odie is maturing into a very nice looking shepherd.

I need to grab her and do some brushing, but she didn't give me a chance this evening.

She and Odie were both in and out of the water tank every few minutes.

Max almost engaged with them like a fairly normal dog. 
At least he didn't go into his spinning and tail chasing and screaming routine.

Livvy is pretty wet in most of these pictures.

She did come up to Della and kissed up to her appropriately.
I think Della cut her a lot of slack because of that.

Odie learned to sit from Kilo.

Livvy will sit too, if you can get her to stop long enough.

The sitting didn't last very long.

Della wasn't as pleased as she usually is when I spend time outdoors with her.
She didn't really like sharing it with the shepherds.

I got my new bike mostly assembled before it got completely dark.
My plan is to ride the trails in the pasture as the dogs run instead of riding the mower.

The setters learned to use the dog door on their own today.

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