Monday, October 17, 2022

Autumn walks

Summer seemed to hold on really long this year. We had 90+ degree days for far too long. After being too long denied autumn marched in, slapped summer upside the head and the temps dropped into the 70s and stayed there. Now many of our days top out in the 60s and I love it. 

As the days grow shorter photosynthesis begins to fail and the green fades from deciduous vegetation. The trees and shrubs prepare for winter, but they go out with a bang – an explosion of color to give us something to remember until spring. 

The only drawback is the shrinking number of daylight hours, but these are days made for hiking. The cooler temperatures are invigorating. I can move faster and I need to in order to get in the miles before dark and without getting chilly. Late this afternoon I went out with just Della, without any particular plan or goal, but the farther we went, the farther I wanted to go. I hadn't been hiking for several days; the pain in my hip was gone and I was feeling good. After two miles I knew I wanted to do at least three. Three miles turned into four. We ran out of light or we would have done more.

We were still in the woods for a good part of the final mile and a half and we had several righteous deer spottings. It was late enough that the deer expected us to be gone by then and rightfully so. It was familiar trail, but still I worry about tripping on some unseen rock or root. I was extra deliberate with my steps and held Della on a shorter lead in case she decided to give some deer a run. 

4.05 miles

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