Saturday, October 28, 2023

A busy and beautiful day

 I think that the days when I get the most done are the days when I have more than I could possibly accomplish. If I only have one or two things that really need doing, I procrastinate, drag them out, and often never really complete the task. On a day with too many things to do, the only thing to do is to get started and stick with it. That's what I did today, with a "to do" list on my phone, from which I derived great satisfaction as I checked off each accomplishment.

None of it was earth shaking, just basic "adulting" activities, taking care of business. And I'm still procrastinating larger, more important things, in favor of smaller tasks to give me a sense of accomplishment. All of this meant that I really didn't have much dog time today, but I took everyone out for a run in the pasture for about an hour late this afternoon.

Maya and Elvis brought Bailey into their hunt club this afternoon.



Candice wants to go out to the pasture with all the other dogs now.

Dodger follows Sherlock around, so I don't see much of him out there.

Sherlock is well camouflaged in the tall, dry grass.

Dodger's black color stands out, but he's not real tall and can be hard to find at a glance.

Sherlock loves it out there and Dodger loves to follow Sherlock.

Dodger and Candice encountered one another out there today and played a bit.

Candice ran more than Della did out there today.

Elvis and Maya always hunt together.

I mapped the trails in the pasture today.

Maya, Elvis, and Bailey

This is what I encountered when I went to bed last night.
Della does not ordinarily sleep in our bed, but Elvis does.
Last night they both did for much of the night.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Those are two faces you just can't say "no" to! Precious!