Tuesday, April 9, 2024

A good hike

I had my first real hike since the incident with my toes three weeks ago. I took Elvis and Bailey and we went 4.33 miles, most all of it on woodland trails. 

I always carry poop bags when I walk with the dogs, although I'll admit that if they do it in the woods and off the trail, I don't pick it up. Today both dogs pooped on our hike, and although 90% of our hike was in the woods, they both managed to pick a time and place when we were in wide open, public areas as if to shame me into picking it up, which I did, although I also pointed out that we had been over several miles of trails in the woods where they could have pooped and saved me the trouble. At least we were near disposal spots so I didn't have to carry it far. Perhaps that was them being considerate.

It was a good walk. Bailey has figured out that if we pass something that she can jump up onto, I'm probably going to ask her do so and she does it with no real encouragement needed. We were passing one of the big boulders on the trail, and she was intent on walking and would have walked on by, but I gave just a slight tug on the leash, she spotted it, and leapt to the top and then sat to pose for me, quite proud of herself. A little later I had a rock in my shoe and needed to stop to get it out. I pulled her onto a small cut off that led directly to bench where I planned to sit. She saw it and instantly jumped up onto the bench. She did the same when I walked her past the bleachers, jumping directly onto the highest level and then walking briskly to the far end. After she jumped off she turned back to me to receive her reward (just praise today, I wasn't packing treats.) Anyway, she has figured out that that's something we do on walks and she enjoys it, although I think she does mostly because she thinks I enjoy it.

They make a good walking pair. Bailey keeps Elvis moving when he's inclined to stop and sniff. She only stops if she sees something moving, e.g. birds, tree branches, squirrels, etc. 

Bailey posing on top of the boulder. It's about 6' high.

Wildflowers and dog butts. 
There's a lot of these blooming in the woods but even more in our front yard at home.

She's not afraid of getting her feet wet, but she will use the stepping stones if they are available.

Up on the bench where I removed my shoe.

4.33 miles. Not a great pace, but over ten thousand steps. A good hike.

Back at home, Candace and Cosmo shared a roll in the new green grass today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had 6 of my toenails permanently removed in 2016- 3 on each foot. No regrets! I hope you're recovering well.