Yesterday at an adoption event I was chatting with a friend who reads my blog. She said that she had read the entire blog from the beginning, and she even knew the date of my last posting. It amazes me a bit that anyone who has read the blog from the beginning is still speaking to me, because I manage to offend most everyone sooner or later. It also scares me a bit, because anyone who reads this ends up knowing all there is to know about me. I should probably self-edit a bit more, but then it wouldn't really be a blog. In any event, she was still reading so I guess I should keep writing. The latest period of down time was du
e in part to a camera problem, but that is resolved, so I don't really have an excuse. The explaination, rather than excuse, is that writing, like exercise, requires self-discipline, and that's never been my strong suit.
The pics above and to the right are of Samson the Wonder Dog. His mom sends me updates and pics quite often and this is one of him helping prepare Thanksgiving dinner. His mom is going to be having a baby of her own in addition to Samson and she says: "I know he will be an amazing big big big brother. He has already sensed my pregnancy and has become stuck to me like glue in addition to protecting the house at all times."
Sometimes a baby entering the picture worries me, but not in this case. I think that Samson will see how important the baby is to his mom and it will be important to him too. And this expectant mother is very devoted to her dog and I know she will make it work out.
Is this the dog that used to ride around with you on the Census job?
No, this Samson is the dog featured in the very first post on this blog. I just looked back and saw the pics of him when he came here, with pneumonia. He's come a very long way.
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