Friday, May 3, 2024

I might have a small problem

If I had a motto it would be something like: "Never count how much you spend on plants or pets." 

I have something of an addictive personality disorder and it comes through in those two areas of my life. The dog thing is year round since rescue never seems to take a break, but the gardening thing, thankfully, is seasonal. 

I've been to a garden center and/or Lowe's almost every day of the past two weeks. I'm actually close to being finished buying and planting, although I really haven't even started on the shade garden yet. A lot of that will be filled with caladiums and begonias that I'm sprouting in my cold frame and bulbs that I've ordered. I have started some things from bulbs and seeds this year to save money, but the stacks of empty pots from annuals that I've purchased don't make it look like I've saved a lot of money.

So be it. I'm hard pressed to think of many things that bring me as much beauty and joy as my gardens and my dogs. Je ne regrette rien.

This is something new this year. It combines a metal floral sculpture that I got from my sister with a metal basket and candle holder I picked up at the Green Dogs yard sale. In the bottom is a pot seeded with morning glories. They will grow up and bring the metal sculpture to life.

This is the new raised bed I planted with perennials this year.

My money saving cold frame, where I grew my own cannas, begonias, sedum, and hopefully caladiums.

This is the same garden as the picture above, but from the opposite direction.
That's Odie in the back.

This is new this year too. It's a trellis of sorts made from pieces of old dog crates.
It's set into a pot given to me by a friend and it is also planted with morning glories.

Here's my empties, most of them anyway.

I added a copper pipe across the top of the entrance and have hummingbird feeders hanging from it.

Ford is the one most inclined to sit and watch as I work.

Della would rather be going for a hike.

Mercy and Ford

Elvis and Ford


Elvis, Ford, and Mercy

Candace, Ford, and Elvis

Iris blooming by my ponds.

Ford and Paisley

Candace and Paisley both follow me on the mower as I'm cutting the trails.

Bailey rarely sticks to the trails.

Fluffy Ford


Candace is quite old and she seems very fragile but she loves the outdoors and can run when she wants to. I've also seen her engaging in play with the other dogs more than she ever has.


Paisley and Ford

The videos below are mostly Odie, the Great Dane, and Mercy, the German Shepherd Dog. Some of the others make appearances as well.

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