Thursday, August 16, 2018

As the Fur Flies

Dog baths are good. They remove a lot of loose fur and they make the dog smell better, but it's only the first step when dealing with double coated dogs who are blowing their coats. The bath will remove some loose hair but it just loosens a lot more that then needs to be brushed off. That's what we did today.

Trooper and TJ are the primary fur offenders in our house at the moment. Trooper had a lot of dislodged clumps that were just waiting for a brushing. TJ didn't have a bath but a lot of his fur was just hanging on out of habit and was ready to be brushed away. I brushed Theo and Max as well, but most of their seemed to have come out in the wash, or wasn't quite ready to come out.

Everyone got their flea/tick/heartworm preventative today too, and new bling on most of the collars from our Belgium trip as well as my trip to Kansas and the recent weekend away.

There was a lot of Trooper fur flying today.
You can tell this is all undercoat because it's
not any of Trooper's colors.

This is just a start on the amount of fur that needs to come off
of TJ, but at least it's a start. There's plenty floating around in
the house too, of course. That's what I'd like to cut down on.

Max had a lot of loose fur on him but much of it seems to have
come off in the bath. I didn't get a lot off of him today but he
sure looks better with a clean, and somewhat thinner, coat.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Three days of bathing! Whoa!!! I love the term "fur offenders". Cracked me up!