Sunday, April 5, 2020

Shepherd Sunday

Della correcting Leo. He needs a lot of that.
I spent most of Sunday puttering around in the yard and garden. It's amazing how much time I can spend out there and how many things there are to do. Starting one thing turns into doing ten other things, sometimes forgetting what I started out to do. But it was a productive day. I've planted everything I bought on Saturday and done a hundred other things as well. Sunday evening I sat out there and mostly just enjoyed the evening. I let the shepherds, (Theo, Leo, and Max) out to run around and enjoy it with me.

Max carrying a piece of firewood.

Della, Max, and Theo

A flock of flamingos settled into the front garden.

Looking towards the house

This is the same garden spot viewed from the opposite direction.

Leo trailing Max

Max with a toy.

Theo with the remains of a ball.
It was still playable, and we did.

Leo's black face is very difficult to photograph.

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