Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Fence complete, back to the pasture

The fencing job was completed on Monday, finishing up a completely new fence across the front of the pasture where it faces the road. Tuesday afternoon I took the two Danes, Max, Hugo, Rufus, and Melly out to test it out.

Max with orange ball.

Hugo will play with a ball if there's no disc.

Hugo, Serena, and Della

Serena looking goofy with a ball in her mouth.

Melly and Max

Hugo making a catch.

Rufus and Melly making their way back up the hill.

Della and Hugo at the brush pile.


Rufus actually ran around a bit.

New fencing is always pretty.

Melly posing with the new fence.

I was happy to see the two new shepherds moving around the pasture at their own pace.

This is a Google Earth view of our property. The blue line represents where the new fence
was built, along the frontage of our property on George's Mill Road. 
The red line is the rest of our property line. 
It was all fenced before but the front fence was needing to be replaced. 

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Whoa that is a lot of fencing! Such a good feeling though to know your pups are safe!!