Sunday, December 26, 2021

Maya's return to the pasture

I worked most of Sunday, but it was too nice a day to miss out on a pasture romp. I took Della and Serena, River and Declan out to the pasture along with Hugo. I left Max in the dog yard again this time because I was going to be leaving afterwards and I can not get Max back into the dog yard when I need to. It's a very sore spot with me right now and I didn't have the patience to deal with it. The Danes ran over to the fence to bark at the neighbors (another sore spot with me right now), so I just ignored them and played fetch with Hugo. Declan wants to play with Hugo too. Declan has no interest in retrieving and that's all Hugo wants to do. When a dog interferes with Hugo's retrieving game there's always the possibility of trouble with Hugo, but Declan is big enough that he can handle Hugo even if he get's upset.

I was throwing the disc for Hugo when I happened to look back to the pasture gate and spotted Maya. Our back door doesn't latch very well right now, probably because the house shifted again. The door is prone to coming open on its own, or she could have turned the knob enough for it to open. Maya has gotten out several times lately, but she has not run off, and in fact has seemed to make a point of showing me that she's not going to. I've been thinking I could try taking Maya to the pasture again anyway, so when she showed up at the gate I just opened it and let her in. 

She stuck around very well, again I think to prove to me that she would. When she did get out of my sight, I would call and she'd come right back. I let her have some pasture time and off leash freedom and she enjoyed it and didn't abuse it. The fence we have is more secure and higher than the fence she used to escape from, climb, or jump. Also, she's nine years old and heavier than she used to be in her free ranging days. It's probably safe to start taking her out there again, at least occasionally. I have a tracking collar, I may try to figure it out again and put it on her to make me feel better about it.

River enjoyed himself roaming around the pasture today.

Here is Declan, all four feet in the air again, trying to get Hugo to play with him.
Hugo only wants to play with me and his flying disc.

Serena's thing is telling Della: "I'll race you to the fence," in the hope of there
being something on the other side to bark at. It annoys me to have her barking at the 
neighbors if they are out. 

Della keeps an eye on everything, but she will race with Serena
any time the opportunity arises.

Declan, the largest dog around here, really wants to play with Hugo, the smallest.

It was nice to see Maya out in the pasture again.

Maya knows all the dogs, of course, but she has only dealt with them indoors.

Today was the company holiday party at Patch Brewery.
Clay invited me and I took Maya.