Thursday, October 8, 2015

Return to the digital civilization

I haven't written a blog post in a while because I've been without an internet connection at home until today.

Saturday I spent the day with Clay and we both picked up the new iPhone 6s. I took him to the airport Saturday evening for his trip to the UK and then went home to be frustrated alone with the new phone. After two long calls with tech support in India I downloaded new software for it and got it working. When I woke up the next morning, our home internet was out. I was told that the first available technician would be out on Thursday.

I couldn't work Monday so I enjoyed a third weekend day. I did two hikes totaling nine miles and had a vet visit with Summer in between. I would have loved two more days off, but didn't want to use up my vacation days, so I moved my work computer to the basement of Clay's mother's house in Charlottesville. I took Maya along, of course, and managed to cram almost four days worth of work into Tuesday and Wednesday.

Thursday I had to be at home to wait for the technician to come cast out the demons that were messing up my internet connection. I was very happy to have the new phone but I'm sure I've been burning through my data plan since I've been using it without the benefit of a Wi-Fi connection since Sunday. The technician never had to come to the house. He stood at the corner of the road where all the wires meet in a connection box and worked his magic. Then he called to say that it was working again. There was much rejoicing.

Thursday also happens to be our first wedding anniversary. I saw something about the clerk's office in Charlottesville having a celebration and giving out rainbow colored cupcakes and I couldn't quite believe it. I thought it was just a few months ago, not a full year. It's been a full year and the world hasn't come to an end. Red states that put up the hardest fight against marriage equality continue to be the hardest hit by natural disasters, so the divine retribution theory seems like a non-starter. Straight people continue to get married, and I've yet to hear of a straight marriage failing because gay people now have the right to engage in the same pursuit of happiness.
Maya and Max

Somewhere in the course of all this someone came out to meet Mickey who may be interested in adopting him. It's a former adopter and a good set up for Mickey, so I'm hopeful.

I'm hitting two adoption events this weekend, with Mickey and Summer at a Promises event on Saturday, and with Max and Jasso at a VGSR event before picking up Clay from the airport on Sunday. Lots of driving but I only have one more week to move dogs before I'm heading to Kansas for a couple of weeks.
Mickey, Maya, and Theo

Summer at the vet. She now has a spay
appointment in a couple weeks.
Summer's skin was better but the yeast infection
isn't entirely gone. We got more meds for her skin
and I gave her another medicated bath. She actually
stepped into the tub on her own, but she also tried to
step out again before we were finished.

Maya, Theo, and Trooper

Theo (left) and Trooper, jumping a log across the trail. Maya was holding back waiting to see if
I was going to go over, under, or around the obstacle.

1 comment: said...

Happy anniversary!!!
I didn't think it had already been a year. Best wishes from us and your former fosters.

Pat and Dave
Toby and George (Dakota and Cole)