Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Improving adoption prospects

I had been leaving Clyde and Cooper out in the dog yard shed at night. They were fine together, the weather is fine for it, and it was two fewer dogs I had to move at night and in the morning. But I need to get Cooper accustomed to being crated and accustomed to being separated from Clyde, and Clyde needs house and crate manners. So we brought them in last night. Clyde went into the giant Dane crate in the kitchen and he's good in there all night. Cooper spent the night in a crate in the office next to Coco and he complained for about 30 minutes last night before finally quieting down and going to sleep. Once he did, he was fine all night.

I took them on the walk today to reinforce the leash manners as well. Both got a Gentle Leader and they were fine with them after the first few minutes anyway. I think I'm becoming a convert to the Gentle Leader. I walked both dogs and had no significant pulling. I like a dog who pulls when we are on an uphill trail, but we were walking flat ground and the object of the walk was to get them used to the Gentle Leader and to learn to walk nicely.

I actually got in two walks today, first with the three girls (Maya, Serena, and Coco) and then with the trainees, Clyde and Cooper. It was a gorgeous day, clear blue sky, no humidity, perfect temperature for walking.

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