Tuesday, October 2, 2018

This is my bliss

There's nothing like watching big dogs play in a big way in a big space. Clyde and Beau go at it as hard as any two dogs I've had. It's a full contact sport. The shepherds stay out of it when they can, although Theo got hit by a broadside Beau and I could feel the impact as well as hear it.

I keep an eye on where they are because they don't concern themselves with human bystanders. I ride the mower mostly and Beau is always very close. He's too close really so I never run the blades to actually cut grass when Beau is around. I ride around and they run with me, occasionally bashing into one another when the mood strikes.

Most of the pictures are somewhat blurry because they were taken during an evening romp, with me riding the mower and the dogs in motion. The Dane in black is Clyde. Beauregard is wearing the blue.

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