Monday, January 6, 2025

Slush day

The predicted snow storm mostly produced slush at our place. It snowed overnight, but by the time I got up this morning the "snow" that was supposedly falling was more like mist or drizzle and what had accumulated on the ground was very wet and slushy. There is a thin coating of ice on some tree limbs but it's not heavy and fortunately there's no wind today so no damage so far and no power outage, thankfully.

The reactions to the snow among the dogs were mixed. Everyone did the morning rush outside charging the squirrel tree in the front yard. After I had half a cup of coffee I went out and fed everyone. The permanent residents were then content to come inside while fosters Norman and Bear were off running around the yard or the pasture. Bailey didn't act like she wanted to go back out even when I offered, probably because it was wet out there and she seems to have an aversion to water. What really surprised me though is that Paisley came back inside after eating, whereas most days I can't get her in at all, often until nighttime and only after every other dog is in. 

The puppies came out of their cozy home but stopped on the top step trying to figure out what this was before charging off into it. They quickly decided it was safe and fun and went running around the yard. They were very happy to discover that Bear and Norman were out with them and they ran after the two big dogs trying to play with them. 

Eventually Bear and Norman came back in the house and I got the puppies into the dog yard for a couple more hours of playtime before taking them back to their indoor space. 

Everyone has been out a couple more times throughout the day, but it's the fosters who seem most interested in playing in the slushy snow. 

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