Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Snowy walks

Bailey and I did three miles on Tuesday and four miles on Wednesday. I had initially planned just to walk the two mile route on the roadway through the park, but it was snow packed and slippery in spots so we set out on the trails and found them to be much safer. The snow isn't very deep but it's definitely harder than walking dry, solid trails. I should be burning more calories.

We didn't go to the more remote parts of the park property but still found that we were the first human and canine footprints on several portions of the trail on both days. The deer must be nestled down someplace warm, but we saw squirrels and rabbits, which kept Bailey's interest. She's a good hiker, a worthy successor to Maya in that respect, as I knew she would be. 

The puppies are really enjoying the pasture runs with the big dogs. I've been keeping Norman and Bear indoors even during the days now so I opened the divider in Daneland and gave the puppies access to the full space. They have really enjoyed exploring the territory previously occupied by the big dogs. I also opened the doggie door in their shed, allowing them to come into their heated space when they are cold or want to nap and to go out whenever they want to play. I still close them inside at night but giving them outside access at will during the day has cut down on the amount of cleanup while still keeping them warm.

This old girl continues to surprise me. This afternoon she followed us all out to the pasture and followed me down the hill and back up again. 

The pups are becoming quite chunky. 

Candace and Paisley


I wish Paisley would not come into the pasture but she follows me closely wherever I go. The puppies are learning that she's the least fun dog to play with and they usually leave her alone.

Norman is good with them, but Bear is the best.

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