Thursday, January 30, 2025

Woody's return

Woody came back to us today after being adopted last September. Apparently he wasn't a good fit in his new home. I expect he needs more activity and exercise than most homes can provide but he's still a young shepherd and that too will pass, eventually. I think an active companion dog and a fenced yard will be needed for this guy in the future.

I put him out in the pasture when we got home so he could meet the puppies through the dog yard fence. Then I brought Elvis out to meet him one-on-one, followed by SweetTart. That all went well so I let the puppies out to the pasture with them. They were very excited to have a new big buddy since Bear got adopted earlier this week. I'll wait until tomorrow before putting him out with Bailey because she's the one who tore up his ear when they were together last summer. 

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