Friday, February 14, 2025

Circular rescue

When you've been in the rescue world for 25 years things tend to come back on you at unexpected times and in unexpected ways.

This morning I started out the day with a greeting from the adopter of a former foster we had named Lana. She's now called Tigger. She's a small boxer or boxer mix that we had as a foster 12 years ago. Today was her adoption anniversary. She originally came from North Carolina via my doggie dealer.  I loved this girl and she became a fixture around here for about a year until she got adopted. 

This evening Clay and I went out to Decipher to celebrate Valentine's Day and among other friends ran into an adopter of one of our other fosters, this one a Great Dane named Millie. Millie was a 2023 foster, very sweet, and she was adopted in less than a month to a great home with another Dane. 

What's circular about all that, you ask?  It turns out that Millie's new name is Tigger's original name, Lana. It brought back wonderful memories of both dogs today.


Lana when I picked her up the first day.

Linda giving her a benedictory kiss.

Lana/Tigger in her new home on Valentine's Day.

Millie/Lana (right) with her new brother.

Della playing with Millie

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