Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Other recent stuff

It seems like things have been busy around here. Here are a few pics from various things over the past few days.
I took TJ out for two miles with Maya, but it
was still a bit much for him. He's showing his
age and we are still waiting for fall weather.

I finally took Colin out for his first
walk. He got tired and had to rest,
or wanted to. He's still a puppy and
hasn't built up a lot of stamina yet.
Of course he walked three times as
far as Coco because he never walked
a straight line.

I am just crazy about this little girl Coco.
She is a great puppy sitter for Colin too.

Colin's paw print
Colin's rest stop

Clyde went to the vet Wednesday morning to
be neutered.

After dropping off Colin, I took Beau to do a radio spot that
will air on Friday and then we went to meet Berta's cat. He
was curious but not aggressive and the cat was cool with him.
Beau has a prospective adopter coming to meet him Saturday.

Clyde loved and was loved by all the staff.
Here he is post-op.

He was wide awake and ready to play when
I picked him up but he's spending his first night
indoors and in a crate tonight.
Thanks Shanna for taking such good care of him!


Becca said...

Hi there! I’m interested in adopting a Great Dane and would love to meet Clyde. I saw that beau already has someone coming to meet him. Is Clyde through Green dogs?

Brent said...

Yes, Clyde is available through Green Dogs Unleashed,

Byron's Mom said...

Maybe Coco will stay? She sure is a little cutie:-) Just thinking out loud here...