Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flirt's day

I've reverted Panini's name back to Flirt.  It's how I still think of her and she doesn't seem to mind, or know, or listen, whatever.  Besides, it fits her pretty well. 

She loved the snow we got last night.  When it started snowing yesterday evening, I brought Buddy, Sunny, and Max over to share the shed with Flirt and Jeremy.  I crated Sunny because she gets into stuff when left loose and crated Buddy because he hadn't yet met Flirt and he needs to retain his crate-ability (sorry about the Palin-esque term).   Max and Jeremy grabbed one of the straw-filled cubby holes and Flirt was cozy on her bed of straw (with a wool blanket).  This morning when I let her out to the snow covered dog yard with Max, Trooper, and Molly, she started playfully bouncing around on her long, spindly legs, looking more like a newborn filly than a senior dog.

She had a big breakfast (about 2.5 cups of dry food, 1 cup of raw food, and a chicken back) and later we headed into Charlottesville to the vet.  I realized once again the value of the van.  The van is low enough that she can get into easily on her own, but also tall enough that she can stand up in the back.  I'll have to keep Flirt in mind when it becomes necessary to replace the van some day.  Flirt had a great time at the vet's office.  She was inquisitive, friendly, and easy to handle.  She was fine with the entire exam, including the blood draw, aspiration of the lump, and a nail trim that was somewhat reminiscent of my days as a horse owner when we'd have a visit from the farrier.  Good news too.  The lump is just a fatty tumor, she was heartworm negative, and the basic blood work we did was all normal.  She had put on almost 10 pounds since she had a rabies vaccine in early January, which is scary when you think about how thin she still is.  She's eating like a horse and pooping like a champ, so we are working on the assumption that this was malnourishment that we can turn around. 


Caroline said...

I"m procrastinating and thought I'd click on your blog and there was this beautiful girl. I think Flirt is a great name. If only we had more know how I like these seniors. I can't believe she's put on 10 pounds; my God how she must have looked. May she find a forever home soon.

BudsBuddy said...

Reading Brent's blog is my favorite way to procrastinate :)