Monday, July 10, 2017

Running out the clock

We leave for Montana on Wednesday. I'm trying to get perishable food consumed, the house in order, and the yard work done before we go. It's actually been a little less hectic than some travel preparation experiences, mainly because it's been hot and dry which has minimized the grass growing and given me plenty of opportunities to get ahead of it.

Having just eight dogs has helped too. Feeding time is a breeze and everyone knows and follows the routine. Most of the dogs will be staying at home with the house sitter. Everyone has been treated for fleas and ticks since I discovered about 20 of them on my legs after a hike one day last week.

I've been hiking most days, but only about three to four miles at a time. We did four miles this evening but that was really about two miles too far for the husky. He really likes to go, but I think he's going to be taking it easy until sometime in September. July and August are just too hot for a husky in Virginia, especially one who is 12 years old.

TJ's new coat has grown in nicely. He's much darker now.
It would have been nice if he had kept the short hair until fall.

We visited here on Sunday. It's a log cabin owned by the
Fluvanna Historical Society and it was open for the day.
The simplicity is appealing, but I think it would be hard to
share this amount of space with another person. Also, I'd
cut a hole in the wall and put in a window unit air conditioner.

We saw this guy on the trail on today's hike. We surprised
a deer too, but didn't get a picture of that.
Most of my dogs are short distance walkers:
TJ, Trooper, Gigi, and Sparky. Even Max
tends to exhaust himself by pulling too much
and then not being able to go the distance.
It's going to be just Maya and Theo for any
walk more than two miles until cooler
weather hits again this fall.

The big oak tree at Pleasant Grove, in all its summer glory.

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