Saturday, March 16, 2019

Dogs and Daffodils

Daffodils are a true harbinger of spring. They often come up too early, and sometimes they bloom in the snow, but damn it, they come up when they feel like it and announce that spring is coming, even if doesn't look like it.

Daffodils are strong and stubborn. You see clumps of them in the woods marking the place where a home used to be. They will grow, even thrive and spread, long after the house they once adorned has fallen to the ravages of time and termites.
Serena often tries to get me up by standing
next to my side of the bed and resting her head
on some part of me that's handy to her.

You just can't argue with a daffodil. They are determined to come up and put out that beautiful yellow flower even if it seems too early.

I love the longer afternoon and evening hours of daylight we've had since the time change, but it's dark in the mornings right now. The dogs still want to get up and get going even if it's too early and too dark as far as I'm concerned. But dogs and daffodils have that in common, you just can't argue with them.
Sparky is not an early riser. He generally waits
until everyone has been out and has eaten. I
call him with his food dish in my hand and then
he will come down and go outside to eat.

I planted a lot of daffodils outside the fence
along the road in front of our house the first
year we moved in. I've always intended to
plant more, but never have.

The Serena/Sparky sleep sofa works pretty well for both dogs.
Sparky doesn't mind if Serena's long legs infringe on his space.

You really can't argue with that face.

TJ is usually the dog to announce that it's time to get up.
He does it with a very loud bark in the bedroom that can't
be ignored. Although he likes to get up early, he then sleeps
for most of the day.

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