Monday, March 18, 2019

Smokey meets Serena

Monday reminded us that winter isn't quite over yet. The air was chilly, there was the occasional cold shower, and in some places it fell as snow. The sun managed to peak out occasionally, however, just enough to give the idea that spring is coming even if it's not here quite yet. 
Smokey, Serena, and Max

I took the day off from hiking but Serena needed an outing. I've been keeping Smokey, Theo, and Max together in the dog yard during the days, and Smokey came inside last night, which is something I plan to do consistently from now on. Late this afternoon, I took the three shepherd boys and Serena out to the pasture to run. 

This was Smokey's first meeting of a new dog since Max and Theo. Serena was happy to meet him and immediately started chasing him around. He didn't have a chance to try his bitey stuff with her. It went very well. She body slammed him once (Dane style) and he objected to that so she eased up on him after that. This was also Serena's longest uncontrolled romp in a wide open space, so we will see if she shoulder is showing any adverse effects tomorrow. 

The sun was behind the clouds most of the time I was out there, and it spit a little cold rain on us for a while, but then the sun came out and I got some better pictures. 
This was their first encounter. She wanted to chase him, and
did so. They are both young and fast runners, but she's got
longer legs.


Serena, Smokey, and Max
I think that Smokey was surprised that Serena wasn't scared
of him and his big bark. She decided to play with him and
that's what happened.

Smokey has never really had a playmate and wasn't sure
what to make of her, but he enjoyed himself and had a
normal dog-to-dog experience for the first time.

Theo, of course, was only interested in playing ball.

Max is showing a very thick and woolly winter coat.
Serena runs like there's nothing bothering her shoulder now.

I finally got all four in one picture, but they are all going
in different directions.

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