Saturday, December 25, 2021

Warm December days

It's been unnaturally balmy the past few days. I'm not complaining, mind you, the romantic idea of a white Christmas is lost on me. In reality it would just mean muddy dogs. It will be cold enough, soon enough; I'm happy to have some unseasonably warm days. The dogs are too, although Hugo had to take a few breaks to cool off in the shade while playing in the pasture.

Della and Serena have got each other's backs, no questions asked.

I think River is one seriously handsome dog. He's got a very sweet hound-like look about him,
but he's a nice big dog. Reminds me a lot of our Cabell; a very happy genetic mix.

Hugo lives to retrieve.

Serena with her big red ball.

Max and Hugo

Hugo, Max, and Declan bringing up the rear.

Declan is a bit of a big goof.

With 10 more pounds, River is going to be a real stud.

I love the way he carries his tail.

When Hugo gets adopted Max will without a crazy friend. 
Maybe I can get Max to start spending more time indoors 
(he is 9 years old now), and take the crazy down a few notches.

Maya chewing a water buffalo horn on Christmas morning.

Clay's mother (Berta), his brother (Hugh), and Clay at our Christmas eve dinner.

Maya on Christmas morning, napping at Berta's feet.
Maya is the go anywhere, do anything dog. A dog for all seasons.

Hugh and I made a run back home to let dogs out early afternoon on Christmas day.

A good Serena/Declan size comparison.

Hugo got several new flying discs today. He loved them all.

Farm dog Della

1 comment:

Risa said...

Joyous solstice to all the humans and pups at VA Dog Rescue. Wishing you peace, light, and happines.