Everyone knows that I have a soft spot in my heart, and in my head, for senior female dogs. I love my boy dogs too, I have more of them after all, but the old girls really touch me.
I am pretty sure I don't want to know about Lady's past. I'm not one who enjoys tragedy, I generally avoid sad animal movies and stories, and I find any form of violence to be obscene. (I will never understand why an act of love is considered "dirty" but blowing someone's head off barely gets a PG13 rating for a movie, that's just sick. But I digress.)
The great thing about senior dogs generally is that they are so appreciative for everything you do. This evening after feeding Lady her moistened dry food, canned food, and enough pills to choke a horse, I sat down on a wood pile, watched and waited while she finished eating. When she was done, she came over to me and started giving me kisses, in what could only be described as a display of affection and gratitude. She laid down next to me and proceeded to have a roll in the grass, which she really enjoys.
Lady is putting on a little weight; I don't think her ribs show quite as much. I feed her twice a day and she eats every morsel. Her stools are solid so it appears that she's digesting her food, so I have to assume that she just wasn't getting much of it before now. I could probably increase her feed even more, but she seemed so frail when she got here that we needed to take everything slowly.
Lady is a lucky girl, and she knows it. Thank Dog for people like you.
I have a soft spot for older girls, too. In my case they are cats. Our last rescue was a 13 year old who had been dumped at a kill shelter because she had kidney disease. She spent an additional, pampered, three years with us. Alice was sweet and loving with our family, our other cats and the foster kittens who traveled through our doors.
I start almost every morning reading your blog and I am going to miss it terribly when you are away! I am so thankful that you took in Lady as you can tell how happy she is now. She finally is getting the love she deserves. I wish there were more people like you and I am so thankful for all that you do.
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