Monday, August 28, 2017

Therapeutic walking

I've been having my usual hard time getting back to the daily routine (rut?) after a vacation. My interest in working is very low so I'm not being very productive and therefore I don't feel like I have time to do anything else. That starts a downward spiral where I just sit at my desk and try to work but don't, but I don't get anything else down either. My body starts to ache and my mood turns foul. I know the solution but simply don't do it. Finally, on Sunday I dragged my butt back out on the trails with Maya and TJ. It was a cool day and TJ was full of energy so we did a full five miles.
Maya meets turtle

After about the second mile, my body loosened up, and then my mind and mood cleared up. I started work on Monday with a much improved attitude, but my motivation fell off sharply after noon. Later in the day I went out with Maya and Theo and we got in six miles. Hopefully that will be enough to hold me for a couple days because Tuesday's forecast is for rain.

TJ checked out the turtle too, but we left him alone, unharmed.
The dogs were very happy to be out walking again and their enthusiasm rubs off on me.

TJ was very happy to be out hiking again.

Theo and Maya.  We spotted several deer today.

Monday, 6 miles, Maya and Theo
Sunday, 5 miles, Maya and TJ

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Exercise usually clears my mind and get's me motivated. I also find that matching a task to my energy is the most productive. For instance, when I'm feeling creative and energetic, that is when I get the most work done. If I'm tired or lacking enthusiasm in the afternoon, I'll work on mundane tasks that I wouldn't have the patience to do earlier in the day. Walking the dogs is always a good for the soul, either way.