Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Pug Life

I'm heading back to Virginia on Wednesday, leaving my mother and her pug Jake to get back to normal. Pug life is good. Jake was adopted from the local animal shelter several years ago. He had been surrendered after being badly injured by the other dog in his former home. The former owners apparently didn't want to incur the vet expenses that he required. Fortunately, the shelter took him in and fixed him up. When my mom got him he still showed evidence of the injury but he was on the road to recovery. Jake came out the winner of the attack when he landed in my mother's home. He's a great companion and is firmly and fiercely devoted to her. You know I've never been a small dog person, but I've got nothing but good things to say about Jake. Some people will claim that he will steal your beer if given half a chance, but those people need to keep better tabs on their beer.

This is his "you're in my spot" look when I dare
to sit in his chair.
Jake protects the household from passersby from his perch on
the back of the sofa. He also has his own chair, and jumps up
onto anything he wants to improve his view.

Jake loves his walks around the block, where
he checks in on all the neighborhood action.

Jake and my mother after a walk around
the block.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

He is adorable! Some times the wee ones will surprise you:-) Of course I am biased as I have two wee ones.