Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Just the Girls

Della can still prance, it's just not
as graceful at the moment.
I expect that any woman who has ever had a baby can
identify with this.

I think this is going to happen within 24 hours. Clay has
been saying Thursday and Clay is always right.
Della is just doing strolls around
the yard right now, but I took Maya
and Serena out for a short hike today.

I don't know what was going on in there but the girls
were quite intrigued by it.

The fact that I walked two dogs today says
that my back is getting better.

As soon as we started the walk today Serena was pushed
up against me and had her head in my hand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sending up prayers for an easy delivery and a manageable number of puppies.