Monday, June 3, 2019

Smokey and the Weekend Shit Storm

Smokey is fine, none of the weekend shit storm involved him, but folks have been asking for an update on him.

It started Saturday afternoon, I guess. I filled the water tanks in the dog yard, one of which is growing a good crop of tadpoles, soon to be bug-eating frogs. Sometime after that, I went to a sink to get a glass of water and nothing came out. No water. I checked the circuit breaker for the well pump but it was still on. Our in-line water filters were completely clogged with mud, but cleaning them didn't get us any water. It was late Saturday afternoon when we started calling plumbers and finally found one. By that point I told him just to come out Sunday morning. We bought a few gallons of water for us and the dogs to get us through the night and then took Maya and drove over to Hardywood Brewery on the west side of Richmond for dinner and a couple beers. Maya needed some special attention.

Sunday morning I woke up with a bit of back pain, but figured I had slept on it wrong or had pulled something working on Saturday. It seemed like the sort of pain that would get better as I moved around and did stuff during the day to gradually loosen it up again.

The plumber came and determined our well pump was dead. He left and came back again with someone to help pull the 250' of pipe in our well. The well head is in the dog yard so I moved Max over to Smokey's kennel and brought the rest of the shepherds inside for the day. I decided it would be a good time for me to work on Smokey's kennel. I put up the canopy for shade, cut the tall grass, opened up the window to the shed, and brought out the big fan to create some wind. The fan is big and awkward but not particularly heavy. It was while I was getting the fan in position that my back went out. I knew I had hurt it, but was able to finish what I was doing in the kennel.

Just as I was finishing up the plumber called me over and told me that he didn't have the correct pump and couldn't get the one we needed until Monday morning. I went in and swallowed a bunch of pills and laid down to wait for Clay to get home. My back pain continued to worsen to the point that I couldn't bear weight on my left leg at all and was practically crying. We went to town for a shower and dinner and it just got worse. You know that 0-10 pain scale that doctors ask you to use to rate your level of pain with 10 being the worst pain you've ever felt? This is my new #10. 

It was a painful night but I was able to sleep thanks to Tylenol #3. Monday morning finds it incrementally better but I'm taking a couple days off work because I can't sit at my desk for eight hours today. I've made a late afternoon doctor's appointment hoping that the plumber will arrive with the correct pump and have our well restored to operating status by that time.

Long-winded post, I know, and not much to do with dogs, but that was this weekend's shit storm at our house.
Smokey has been on the back burner around
here, and I feel somewhat guilty about that,
but he's still better off than he's been his entire
life so I don't feel too bad about it.
He was very happy to have company, both
me and Max, and seemed friendlier than I've
ever seen him. 

Max took up a position directly in front of the
killer fan. Max may have his demons, but he's
no idiot when it comes to seeking comfort.
This A-frame is one of his favorite spots to
hang out. It now has another level of shade
(the canopy) and a constant breeze provided
by the killer fan.

The big dog house full of straw was cozy in
the winter, but it must be stifling in there this
time of year. I also put up a ramp so the dogs
can easily get to the platform that spans the
two A-frames.

Smokey looking up while I was on a ladder
securing the canopy to the frame.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

I hope you are feeling less pain! Smokey is a really handsome guy! He's going to make some people very lucky one day!