Friday, June 7, 2019

Preparations Continue

Time for a Della update. She's growing bigger each day. We needed to start taking her temperature 2-3 times a day because apparently a drop in body temperature is the best indicator that puppies will soon be here. We had two thermometers around here with our dog stuff but I didn't really trust either of them so Clay stopped at the drug store and brought home a new one. This one is high tech, it actually has a Blue Tooth connection and works with an app on a cell phone. There's two really good things about it, well three really:  (1) It's small, she doesn't object to it being used on her; (2) it's fast, about five seconds is all it takes; and (3) it automatically records and tracks the temperature and the time it was taken. Pretty cool.

The room is pretty much ready. We've got enough stuff moved out, disposed of, and cleaned up so she can be comfortable in there. The bed is almost clear too because I anticipate sleeping in there some or maybe most of the time too.
I've been walking her to the wading/whelping
pool everyday and encouraging her to get in
and check it out. I hope that when her nesting
instinct kicks in she will remember it and like
it. She has plenty of reading material at hand.

I'm beginning to think ahead too, to the time when Dane puppies can't be contained in the birthing room and will need more space, some outdoor space to work those long legs.

Someone sent me these two Buster Cubes today. There was no
packing slip from Amazon to indicate who sent them,
but thank you!
We're doing some reading and watching YouTube videos. And we're really hoping that she's an experienced mother who had handle things mostly by herself. Clay has started an Instagram page for Della too. You can find and follow her at Della_the_Dane.

Thank you again to everyone who has donated funds, or sent supplies from the Green Dogs' Della Wish List.

I set up this shelf in the hall outside the Della
room, right now it just has the thermometer
and related paraphernalia, but I'm sure it will
fill up soon. 

This bookshelf is set up right outside Della's
room and is almost full already with puppy pee
pads, chlorox wipes, towels, etc. 

Della is getting about 4 cups of food three
times per day, trying to make up for less than
ideal pre-natal nutrition before she arrived here.
Serena would like to be getting as much food.
Maya is getting extra attention to make up
for all the attention  and food Della is getting.

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