Tuesday, June 4, 2019

We're going to help you through this, girlfriend.

Most everyone knows by now that we are going to continue to foster Della through the delivery of her puppies, their growth and development, and eventual adoption. I agonized a bit over the decision, quite a bit really. In the end I just didn't want to uproot her again so soon. She has bonded with us and gotten comfortable here. And she has really bonded with Serena. They have become good friends. Della follows Serena everywhere and does everything she does. Serena wanted a Great Dane playmate so they have been good for each other. I'm not planning to keep Della, however; I don't think we can afford two Great Danes.

Since making the decision to have puppies, we've also been making plans and preparations. The guest bedroom will become Della's room. We've emptied out a ton of stuff, laid down vinyl flooring, and put in a giant wading pool to serve as a whelping box. Della had her second vet visit today, which confirmed that the puppies are developing. She was up to 125 pounds. The best guess is that this should happen in about 12 days, but no one knows for sure.
This is just a fraction of the food and supplies that have
been donated. Thank you all.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has donated to Green Dogs for her care, and everyone who has sent food and puppy supplies. As a rescue operation the last thing we want is to be adding to the pet population. Mostly I feel bad for Della, because it means a delay her own permanent placement and the start of her new life. None of us chose this, but we are going to get her through it. Her pups will get great homes and they will all be spayed and neutered when the time comes so they do not add any more to the pet population. We'll help Della through this and then get her on to a new life of her own.

Della laying in a small cleared space in the
guest room. Clean up was slow progress.

These are the two beds where Serena and Maya sleep next
to my side of the bed. Della has been trying to join them but
I make her move before we all go to sleep.

Della really likes Serena.

At today's vet visit. She was calm and relaxed.

I swear, that right leg looks like a peg leg.
The vet visit went well but it was tiring.

Some of the supplies.
New floor covering and whelping box.


Byron's Mom said...

Della is lucky to have you and Clay to help her thru this. I am in complete awe of what you are embarking on here. You really are amazing!

Anonymous said...

You guys are the best -- Della is a lucky, lucky girl and so are her pups! Thank you!!!


Anonymous said...

Do you know who the sire of the pups is? I guess I'm wondering if you'll have a batch of Danes or Dane mixes, and how big they will be?

Anonymous said...

Thankfulness to my father who told me about this blog, this website is
in fact awesome.