Sunday, August 4, 2019

Cleaning Up

It was bath day. Maya, Trooper, Serena, Della, Theo, and all 12 puppies. Max had a bath about a week ago. Only Zeus is left to do.

Danes are so much faster and easier to
wash than German Shepherds.

I washed Serena on the grass, but Della and the others walked
right up the ramp onto my wash station where I secured them
for the duration. They were all really pretty good about it.

Apparently the bath was quite traumatic because everyone huddled together when they
went in for naptime after drying off outside. They seemed fine after a nap, however, and were
back to their usual playful puppiness by evening, no worse for the experience.

Theo after bath. I will need to brush them out starting
tomorrow, but everyone should look and smell better.

1 comment:

Claire said...

What a great experience for everyone, especially the puppies! I have read so many accounts of Danes not liking the water. I can’t imagine how tough it would be to bathe a fully grown Dane that dislikes the water.