Friday, August 2, 2019

The Days are Just Packed

Peroni is most often seen in the arms of a human.
The title to this post is borrowed from Calvin and Hobbes, who remind us that just sitting in a tree all day is a great way to spend a summer day. That's how I feel when I sit outside with the puppies. I could do it all day, but for the necessity of work, and a few other details and demands of adulthood.

If you've got a friend, sit with him, or on him.
Modelo on a mission.

Some friends and a box make for a full day of play.

This simple little step I put together is a favorite place to lay.
Sierra on the left and an unidentified puppy butt on the right.

Looking from the other side, we can see
that Sierra's sleeping buddy is Modelo.

Cozy spot.

I introduced all the pups to water by dropping
them into this. It's only ankle deep and no one
freaked out by it. One of these days we'll do baths.

Della's Milk Bar is closing soon, but it's been replaced
by the Puppy Palace, an all-inclusive resort with a full
buffet that's served four times a day.

Della and Carlsberg with their matching single long sleeve black glove.

No, they don't get stuck in here, they do like to crawl
through them, and sometimes just lay in them.

Peroni using the step as a diving board into the pool.

The ball pit remains a popular play spot.

Della watches her pups closely and is teaching them manners like only a mother can.
 She also keeps an eye out for other dogs or people.

Della also has a life in big dog world:

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