Monday, November 29, 2021

Mostly Malala

Malala is the only remaining pup that does not yet have an adopter. I can't really explain why, except that she's sort of a "middle child." She's not the most outgoing, in-your-face of the pups, that title was held by the merle girls. She's not the most shy, that was Dolly at least in the beginning. She's somewhere in the middle, friendly without being obnoxious about it, playful without being obsessive, loveable without being clingy. If you ask me, that makes her pretty perfect.

She's also the most interesting and unique of the litter in terms of her color and markings. She looks at first glance like a fawn colored dog like our Serena and that is probably the way she will present to most people. However, if you look more closely, you'll see that she has some faint merle markings that appear almost like shadows on her coat. They don't show up much in the bright light where these photos were taken, however. She also has those freckles, for lack of a better term, on her muzzle. 

Malala is unique and she's a beauty. She's also super sweet and not quite as piranha-like as some of the others who use their mouth and tiny dagger teeth on everything. Contact Green Dogs Unleashed and submit an application if interested in adopting this beautiful little girl.

Look on her ear in this picture and you can see the faint merle markings showing through.

1 comment:

H Anne said...

Such a beauty Brent!