Saturday, March 23, 2024

Rainy day puppy play

The day started out with some pretty heavy rainfall. I put the dogs out in the morning to do their business but told everyone that I wasn't going out to feed them until the rain stopped. Everyone except Paisley came back inside. Della thought something was seriously wrong with me so she stood in the hallway to keep an eye out for any other aberrant behavior. Everyone else went back upstairs to wait out the rain except the three young dogs – Bailey, Ford, and Biscuit. They formed their own play group (along with Elvis) in the kitchen as I made breakfast.

Bailey and Biscuit in front, Ford and Elvis in the rear.

Biscuit, and Elvis


Being deaf, Elvis didn't hear me announce that the play group was for dogs under two years of age. Being Elvis, he didn't care anyway. 

Ford and Bailey

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