Sunday, November 24, 2024

Morning walk

I made breakfast this morning and then got out with Bailey and Elvis for a brisk four mile hike. 

I have found a route that is exactly four miles and each mile interval falls at a particular known spot so I can track my progress even without looking at or listening to the tracking app that I use. This consistency satisfies certain needs within me that I can't necessarily define or explain. Suffice it to say that it has become my favorite route. I enjoy all of the trails it covers and it's enough distance to make me feel like I've had a good walk. It was a beautiful day and cool enough that we set a good pace. The dogs humored me by minimizing their stop, sniff, and pee stops. 

We went to Richmond for the day. The final pictures are of Bear and Marvel vying for attention from me in the kitchen this evening. 

Saw this sign at Vasen Brewery in Richmond. Sounds like a great program by the Richmond city shelter and the brewery to promote adoption of shelter dogs. I have a very strong preference for dog-friendly breweries. 

Marvel and Bear

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