Wednesday, May 29, 2024

He's back

Ford must like it here because he keeps coming back. We like him here too, so that's ok. We will keep him until can find someone with enough commitment to stick it out beyond the first 24 hours. Help me Jesus. 

He came back on one of the most beautiful days we've had around here too. He and Bailey played together for a while in the house and then I put them both out in Daneland to play with Norman and Mercy later in the afternoon. The evening was just gorgeous, you could almost describe it as cool, and we all had a good run in the pasture and puttering around the yard before dark.

Welcome back, Ford. You've got a home here as long as you need it.

We may need to change his name to Boomerang.

Mercy and the mower. I ran out of gas in the lower pasture.

Pouncing queen

You know it's cool when Della is in a playful mood.

Norman came around after the mower ran out of gas. 
He does not like the mower monster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Ford is trying to tell you something. 😉