Friday, May 17, 2024


I thought I was pretty busy today, but this evening I don't have a lot of photographic evidence of it. It was a work day, and I finished planting the shade garden, did some mowing, and messed around a bit with the ponds, but the only times the camera came out were on my evening walk with Della, and the even later evening pasture run. 

This was a bunny spotting alert, but she doesn't try to drag me around after it, thankfully.

Ford and Paisley stuck by me more than anyone else. Della and Mercy made occasional appearances Bailey would fly past occasionally and I never got a picture of her or Elvis. Norman only showed up after the mower was off and everyone had come into the dog yard for a drink. 

The clematis is doing very well. 
The other one is growing more, but this one has more blooms.

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